Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Work with Indesign

I am currently working on a project that involves using InDesign, this is an Adobe program that I didn't even know existed until it was necessary for the project I am currently working on. I learned how to make a catalogue and work with some of the design tools in that are used in the program. One of the biggest challenges was trying to figure out how to add a print button, which from the research I did is impossible. This seems like something that could be implemented into the program fairly easily to rival catalogue building programs since making catalogues seems to be a useful feature of Indesign. Not being able to add some functionality from programs like flash and not having functionality for certain things necessary for a digital catalogue hinders the program a bit for the project I am working on. I do like the assistance it adds with the design aspect such as alignment assistance to be able to keep consistency across multiple pages and spacing. the fact that you can set up a master page for the rest to base off make it easier for making a catalogue since you can keep the same page design consistent without having to make very page. Over all it has been a great tool for making a catalogue aside from a few options that were necessary for this project.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Personal development

I got sidetracked with some work so I didn't get around to practicing much more drawing. I have also been working on the RPG tutorial some more from here which is really great if you have interest in creating an RPG game in Unity. I have a checkers game on the go as well which I need to do some more research on, I have some assets made from when I started working on it a month or two ago for Today I was trying out the tablet  I got at work recently so I could get some practice in and I also got some more drawing practice done as well. I haven't gotten around to uploading any progress yet, I will when I have some more complete work to show.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Drawing practice

I just finished drawing my self portrait for my starting point so that I can gauge my progress later. I will probably take my sketch book home on the weekend and scan anything done that week that isn't just doodles and technique practise. So I will be uploading my self portrait tomorrow or Saturday most likely. Until then I will keep any progress updated here and likely edit this post once I have the image to post along with this as well.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014 practice

I have a lot to update that I may not get around to updating quite yet, but I will at least update what I am currently doing to keep my blog active. I am going to practice my drawing again, I was doing a drawing a day for about a month or 2 before and ended up busy with other work. Those drawing can be seen on my Deviantart page under the daily drawing section. With Drawspace you can learn the basics and far beyond through the courses that they offer for free on their website. So starting today I will be drawing as much as possible to try and improve my drawing skills, and hopefully keep up a daily regimen to improve it. I'll be posting some drawings on Deviantart when I get into the more complicated stuff so i'm not just throwing up all the small things like scribbles.