Friday, 13 April 2012

Game Design (Spectrum Blade) My game so far

Here is a link to my game: Spectrum Blade
(not supported on Internet Explorer at the moment)
You can download the Unity WebPlayer here: Unity WebPlayer

All 3D Asset Creation was done by The 3D students

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Game Design (Spectrum Blade) Week 13

The game pitch went well, Adam and Ryan both liked my game and now I just have to wait for feedback form them. I already got my feedback form Adam, he gave me some pretty good feedback. Since my I was still having troubles with my main character, I met with Crystal, who is the 3D teacher and she helped my figure out what was wrong with it. It was the IK/Fk handles that were messing up the arms, it was keeping the arms stuck out. So to fix this problem, the IK/FK handles were deleted and the animation was baked right onto the bones. This fixed the problem and the character moved fine after this. The boss character was fixed as well since he had the same problem.